Near Disaster In Nearby Tampa Highlights Value Of 3M Security Films

 In Solar Films

Associated Watch and Jewelry is located just up Interstate 75 in Tampa. The store owners had 3M Safety & Security Window film installed on their exterior windows and doors when they renovated in 2003. Little did they know what a difference it would make almost 20 years later.

Looters attempted to smash the store’s windows during a period of civil unrest last year. They used a piece of pavement to pound the glass, but it didn’t shatter thanks to 3M Window Film. The crowd gave up and no merchandise was stolen or damaged.

After the incident, one of the store’s owners called a 3M Window Film dealer and had security film installed on his home too.

Across the country, businesses, schools, nonprofits and homeowners have experienced the value of 3M Window Film for the security it provides – and not just when it comes to preventing smash-and-grab burglaries.

With hate crimes on the rise, the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati knew it needed to prioritize safety. That’s why the organization had 3M Ultra S800 Window Film installed at its facility. The application took just two days to complete, and now there’s an added layer of protection for the children and families who visit.

Hundreds of schools across the country have embraced 3M Window Film as an added security measure. After all, locks, doors, security cameras and metal detectors can only go so far when your glass windows and doors are vulnerable.

Security Film At Home: Protect What’s Most Valuable

According to the FBI, the United States averages more than a million burglaries every year. And Americans spend billions of dollars each year on home security systems. But there’s another tool you should consider when it comes to protecting your family and possessions.

You might think of window film as a product for cars or commercial properties – but it can make a huge difference for your home.

Micro-layered security films from 3M are designed to prevent entry by resisting tears and holding broken glass in place. They can dramatically slowdown intruders and sometimes deter them altogether. Security films can also reduce the likelihood of injuries from broken glass.

With 3M Window Film, you can get all these benefits without changing the look of your home or business. Plus, most applications include a comprehensive warranty.

3M Window Film doesn’t just protect your belongings from potential thieves. Solar film can prevent your items from fading caused by the Florida sun – a critical feature for those with valuable artworks, furnishings, antiques or collectables in their home.

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